So unsurprisingly, i discover again that i am kind of a jerk
I didn't mean to hurt anyone with the post about Xn girls. I guess my mom said always growing up "dont write anything down you don't want the whole world to know about". I just had had several incidents in the past few weeks, where i had NO intentions, and still people perceived by just listening to someone or asking them question about their day, or sharing how my day was, as me being interested in dating them.
I was just confused how am i supposed to have a normal interaction with the sisters in my life, without communicating anything i dont mean to. I put it on the blog in a moment of frustration. I still am kind of confused about what the balance is without seeming mean or disinterested, but also without seeming INTERESTED.
It is confusing because the world i live in at LCC is very heavily female, and there are very few Xn guys around here, and sometimes i think that makes things more difficult in terms of interacting in a careful way with girls. The smallest things you do, things that as a guy you aren't even AWARE of, can sometimes be misinterpreted.
I know that i have a responsiblity too in how i act. i didn't really mean to demean the intricacies of these situations. the longer i live the more i really understnad in some ways that guys and girls really DO think very differently.
So forgive me if i hurt anyone unintentionally.
One trusted sisters said to me that girls dont even really want to be friends with guys unless it would lead to something more. Is that true? I dont feel like it is, but maybe i am supposed to stop trying to build close friendships with girls unless my intention is to lead to marriage.
so yeah men are pigs, and i am sorry sisters that we are often so dense and clueless and don't understand how you are thinking
So unsurprisingly, i discover again that i am kind of a jerk
I didn't mean to hurt anyone with the post about Xn girls. I guess my mom said always growing up "dont write anything down you don't want the whole world to know about". I just had had several incidents in the past few weeks, where i had NO intentions, and still people perceived by just listening to someone or asking them question about their day, or sharing how my day was, as me being interested in dating them.
I was just confused how am i supposed to have a normal interaction with the sisters in my life, without communicating anything i dont mean to. I put it on the blog in a moment of frustration. I still am kind of confused about what the balance is without seeming mean or disinterested, but also without seeming INTERESTED.
It is confusing because the world i live in at LCC is very heavily female, and there are very few Xn guys around here, and sometimes i think that makes things more difficult in terms of interacting in a careful way with girls. The smallest things you do, things that as a guy you aren't even AWARE of, can sometimes be misinterpreted.
I know that i have a responsiblity too in how i act. i didn't really mean to demean the intricacies of these situations. the longer i live the more i really understnad in some ways that guys and girls really DO think very differently.
So forgive me if i hurt anyone unintentionally.
One trusted sisters said to me that girls dont even really want to be friends with guys unless it would lead to something more. Is that true? I dont feel like it is, but maybe i am supposed to stop trying to build close friendships with girls unless my intention is to lead to marriage.
so yeah men are pigs, and i am sorry sisters that we are often so dense and clueless and don't understand how you are thinking
At 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Recently, i've heard about this apology really a lot. i can say that many LCC girls are really indignant at this moment. they just didn't expect such reaction. however, i think it is mostly their fault in this case. let's look at the situation this way: on one hand, there are young girls seeing the only one young and free and physically attractive man around LCC. on the other hand, there is a kind and communicative instructor just trying to be nice to them. it's a mere case of miscommunication. well, i'm on Thor's side, though. some girls just think only about themselves, their own desires and expect men to do what they(girls) expect from them. well, why don't we think about other people, not only ourselves? if the person has other intentions, different from yours, what is the point of being angry with him? he also has a right for feeling, just like you.
yeah, i think there is nothing to blame you, Thor, in.
At 4:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
veil'a, stop pushing him! how dare you? it's not your business! if there was a good girl for him and he really wanted to date, he would do it!
maybe it's you, who has a problem. maybe you have the problem with him not being attracted to you as you are attracted to him.
so, don't poke your nose into his life. and let's just close this topic.
At 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry, this is so funny to read (especially the comments). I didn't see the original post, so you must have chosent to delete it. Bummer! I got to your blog too late.
I'm sure it didn't feel funny to you at the time, but it just reminds me of my Russian girlfriends who are soooooooo perplexed at the American Christian men here who, by one act of kindness, are misconstrued as being in love....and then they NEVER make the move...how dare they!
Yes, we women have hearts that are wired to respond to kind attention...and when someone is interested in what's going on in our lives, we can take the intentions of this interesting, handsome man way beyond reality.
I'm guessing, too, that the pressure my Russian girlfriends feel to marry (if you're 25, you are already WAY TOO old, and you'll hear about it every time you talk to certain people, especially of the older generation)is also felt by these European women. From the moment they are old enough to walk, they are subtly and not-so-subtly trained in how to get a man....the walk, the dress, the behavior.
Oh the frustrating, glorious challenges of Christian community!
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