On the Journey

A journey through the world, through a small 27 year time span, and more importantly towards the beckoning yet elusive heart of God


These two castles have faced each other across the Norova river for centuries. A very fitting tension of east and west. The European Union/Russian federation border runs along that river today, with one castle in capitalist western democratic Estonia, and the other in whatever you would call Putin's neo-imperialist Russia. The tension is palpable. The Russians destroyed the Estonian city and settled it with ethnic russians who are now pragmatically Estonian Eu citizens with ambivalent loyalties. This was one of the most depressing cities i have ever seen


  • At 6:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "one castle in capitalist western democratic Estonia, and the other in whatever you would call Putin's neo-imperialist Russia"

    sorry I'm commenting on an old post, but this description of where I live caught my eye....

    yes, it can be interesting coming up with descriptors for this nation's political persuasion


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