Last night i had a bunch of friends over for a kind of good-bye party. Thank you so much- Aciu labai visiems kurie man padare mano laikas cia Lietuvoje tiesog nuostabu... As turiu tokia gera bendroumene cia, ir dabar man labai liudna mastyti apie isvaziuoti ir pradeti nauja epocha savo gyvenime... bet as niekada ne pamirssiu Lietuva. I got a beauiful card, and a dove! I have never held a dove before, and letting it go was very symbolic and cool. I have a Lithuanian hat and a T-shirt that reads "100% Lietuvis" :) We had a really cool worship time, and it ended by going to the beach at Karkle cemetery, and enjoying the beautiful sunset sky (which is around 11:45pm this time of year here in Lithuania)
I will miss spaghetti dinners with peope randomly strewn about our assemblage of furniture on the scratched hardwood floor at Janonio 16, the sunlight shining through the orange curtains, the cheerful mix of Lithuanian Russian and English which constantly surrounds me, the piles of shoes by the doorway....
Dieve- as zinau kad tu visad su mumis, su manim.... Tai buvo irgi man labai sunku isvaziuoti is Amerikos, pasilikti visus Amerikoje gyvenancius draugus, ir tavim pasitiketi kad tu man duotum gera ateiti, naujus draugus, naujus galimybes garbinti tave ir augti kaip krykscionis ir kaip vyras. Ir tu esi su manim ir busi su manim, ir niekada mane ne pasiliksi. Bet stiprink stiprink padrasink mano klaipedoj esancius brolius ir seserys. Stiprink baznycias cia klaipedoje, ir isgelbek daugiau lietuviu.
I will miss spaghetti dinners with peope randomly strewn about our assemblage of furniture on the scratched hardwood floor at Janonio 16, the sunlight shining through the orange curtains, the cheerful mix of Lithuanian Russian and English which constantly surrounds me, the piles of shoes by the doorway....
Dieve- as zinau kad tu visad su mumis, su manim.... Tai buvo irgi man labai sunku isvaziuoti is Amerikos, pasilikti visus Amerikoje gyvenancius draugus, ir tavim pasitiketi kad tu man duotum gera ateiti, naujus draugus, naujus galimybes garbinti tave ir augti kaip krykscionis ir kaip vyras. Ir tu esi su manim ir busi su manim, ir niekada mane ne pasiliksi. Bet stiprink stiprink padrasink mano klaipedoj esancius brolius ir seserys. Stiprink baznycias cia klaipedoje, ir isgelbek daugiau lietuviu.
At 6:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
God bless you Thor! And sorry that I couldn't come - I had to work :(
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