On the Journey

A journey through the world, through a small 27 year time span, and more importantly towards the beckoning yet elusive heart of God



I have had a bit of time to think and pray, and feel in a much better mental place to deal with this. It is sunny in Yanji, i have my thesis the-students-celebrate-it-is-over party tonight, and tomorrow i am supposed to have lunch with one of my students, and then MC our English Department Christmas party, which takes a lot of preparation, and i hope, on Saturday evening to meet with some of the Russian students from Yanda. Somewhere in there i need to make a worship set, and have worship practice, because I am leading on Sunday morning.

If i decide to keep pushing ahead with Korea, it may mean some crazyiness, but i could probably take some kind of a vacation in february that would be much closer to home so to speak. Ironically travelling within China would be just as expensive as the trip i had planned to the middle east, which was a really good deal, but it wouldnt be the end of the world- and there may be some possibilities that i could in fact get all of these documents by the start of school in February.

I have realized thought that part of me wants to stay at YUST a lot, to teach the thesis students, and the English Teaching methods class, and the pronunciation class.... To get to know some of the students better who i have built relationships with, especially our YUST russian speakers, who i feel like i have kind of neglected this term. I would love to continue to help Chunhua in her amazing work here.... Maybe i just need to figure out what i want.

God is being good to me, and sifting through many other problems and weaknesses i have, including a) my trouble in saying no to things that are asked of me b) my trouble saying no to one potential life because i want to live both potential lives at the same time... this theme has recurred often in my life...

Thanks for your support and kind words to me... i feel the power of your pr- already



  • At 2:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I was thinking up an e-mail to send you after reading these two posts (google reader is so good to let me know when you not-so-often bloggers post something!)
    But, a comment will be shorter and better. I think Father has a lot to teach us in times like this - in between times where we don't know what to do and have to trust him to lead. I'm asking for you that he'll do that for you now in a comforting, clear way.
    Also, I hope you realize a bit of how great the holidays can be in Yanji- busy, but focused time to share the reason with students and share fellowship with those away from home, with whom there is a special understanding. I'm missing that!

  • At 2:41 AM, Blogger Andy and Sarah Middlestead said…

    I'm praying for you brother. The Lord will guide you to the place he has planned for you.

  • At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Thor, you are in our thoughts, friend.
    Sorry about all this business with the South Korean job. There is something out there for you to do...anybody who knows you knows that you have a brilliant future ahead of you--with all of the skills, motivation, and heart necessary to get you there.

    Have you thought about applying to Duke/UNC/NC STATE? I'm currently doing an MA in Sociolinguistics at North Carolina State University, studying with Walt Wolfram and am LOVING IT! We live in Durham, NC, and Reuben is enjoying Duke Law school.

    Seriously!...you could live at our place (we have an upstairs bedroom) and bike to Duke like Reuben does or drive to NC State with me. There are also a lot of jobs available around here--with three universities in the area doing fascinating linguistics research.

    Anyway...just to let you know that there are options.

    Take care of yourself,

    Janneke (and Reuben)

    And if you're up for coming to NC, just let us know and we'll work hard to help you make it happen. :-)

  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hello Thor:
    I am an American living in Yanji, City China, I was just readying and enjoying your blogs. I was just wondering if you still live in Yanji, I am new year and kinda confused.


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