On the Journey

A journey through the world, through a small 27 year time span, and more importantly towards the beckoning yet elusive heart of God


Back to China

Well... I'm back in Yanji. I am not sure what classes I am teaching. I don't have the syllabus for the classes, nor my class lists, just borrowed some textbooks that might work. Two of the classes I may have are supposed to meet at the same time. I have no place to plug things in in my office, no internet connection, no printer, a chair that doesn't work, and no clue where to begin.

But, i have a warm little room, and nothing exploded or spoiled or died in my absence. I have a couple friends, other English speakers with whom to communicate, and my schedule is as of yet a blank slate waiting to be filled in.

I have a sunburned nose from Dubai, thoughts of that monstrous palm-treed, freeway-bound city in my head, guobaorou in my stomach, half-filled out applications for jobs and for grad schools on my computer, anxieties about my future, a cool new book about J-s in French which I got at the Frankfurt airport, Deutsche Welle on my TV set, and a resolution that since I can't avoid this coming semester, I am going to push through it and enter into it and be the best witness I can be, and be as faithful as I am able at the tasks that are appointed to me.


De Poort

I have spent the last four days in the Low Countries, staying at the YWAM base in central Amsterdam, hearing amazing teaching, meeting new friends, hanging out and being encouraged by my old friend Emas Gricius, honing my Dutch. I visited my old pastor from Klaipeda, Roy Ball, who now lives with his wife Joke leading an Anglican church in Heiloo, and got to walk through beautiful dunes. I can see why the Dutch moved to West Michigan. Noord Holland looked almost exactly the same as Ottawa county! I got to take a crazy day trip to Brussel, Europe's capital, have deep conversations, go for a bike ride out among the villages along the IJselmeer and just take a long last breath before plunging back towards Asia.

People ask me am I read to go back. Honestly I can say no, not yet. But I suspect that my heart for China is waiting for me in the Yanji airport, ready to be picked back up again, ready to be investing in serving another 4 months. Kind of hesitant about it, but i also know that usually I never want to leave the place where I am. Am bracing myself for what will happen on Friday when i finally land, late at night, to pay 20 Yuan for a taxi back to my cold grey dormitory on the hill overlooking Yanji. Am glad i will have a week before school starts in earnest.

I am very glad i spent this time in Europe. I feel it was well invested mostly. Was not a tourist at all really, but have spent the time pouring into relationships, re-touching-base with many former colleagues, contacts and friends, letting God refine me and bring even more of my sinful nature to the surface where it can get tested and worked on. Pray for me there in China!