One of the things i have noticed on my return to the US is the old conservative-liberal debate, which i think is really a false dilemma. Everyone is quick to try to label each other "conservative" or "liberal", but really there are so many different dimensions to which these things can apply. There are matters of fiscal policy, foreign policy, social policy, environmental policy, moral issues, etc.. and it seems sad if most people just dogmatially choose only one end of the spectrum in all these matters which are very different.
The thing that is hardest, is that when you talk to Xns, or listen to n radio, the "liberals" are the enemy.
Liberal means "free"... I don't know when American ns forgot this message, but Js says that he came to set us free, he said that all things are permissible but not beneficial. Evng Xns should be the most "liberal" people of all, fully embracing their freedom in Ch_t, not trying through manipulating or legalism to keep people in bondage. The New Testament is very clear that adherence to the law has no power to change a person or give him the strength to resist sin.
It is a sad day when evnglcl Xns have allowed themselves to become on "enemy terms" with the word that means "freedom". Don't you think people already see the church as just a bunch of rules, that they could never adhere to? Evngcls need to be liberating and preach the message that one is truly "liberal" in Ch_t, not bound by traditions and legalism, but free to live in one's calling. If the world saw Xns celebrating our freedom, maybe they would be more drawn to Js
One of the things i have noticed on my return to the US is the old conservative-liberal debate, which i think is really a false dilemma. Everyone is quick to try to label each other "conservative" or "liberal", but really there are so many different dimensions to which these things can apply. There are matters of fiscal policy, foreign policy, social policy, environmental policy, moral issues, etc.. and it seems sad if most people just dogmatially choose only one end of the spectrum in all these matters which are very different.
The thing that is hardest, is that when you talk to Xns, or listen to n radio, the "liberals" are the enemy.
Liberal means "free"... I don't know when American ns forgot this message, but Js says that he came to set us free, he said that all things are permissible but not beneficial. Evng Xns should be the most "liberal" people of all, fully embracing their freedom in Ch_t, not trying through manipulating or legalism to keep people in bondage. The New Testament is very clear that adherence to the law has no power to change a person or give him the strength to resist sin.
It is a sad day when evnglcl Xns have allowed themselves to become on "enemy terms" with the word that means "freedom". Don't you think people already see the church as just a bunch of rules, that they could never adhere to? Evngcls need to be liberating and preach the message that one is truly "liberal" in Ch_t, not bound by traditions and legalism, but free to live in one's calling. If the world saw Xns celebrating our freedom, maybe they would be more drawn to Js
At 9:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
I had a talk with my girlfriend last night about freedom in Christ. Specifically, I said that Christ invented alcohol and he gives us the freedom to drink it, within reasonable bounds.
These are the things Christians should be expressing to people...not that smoking pot is wrong and will get you sent to hell.
Lastly, my only problem with your post is that "a liberal" does not generally vote inline with freedom.
When I think of liberal I think of a Debbie Stabenow who would be happy to force me to pay for abortions and welfare. That's not freedom. Paying benefits for gay marriage isn't freedom either, at least not for me. However, I do agree that conservatives often approach these issues the wrong way.
At 10:32 AM,
Thor said…
Yeah i thikn the exact issue is over semantics... how did the word "liberal", in itself a great word, come to mean in so many peoples mind such things as [historical-critical approach to the Bible, pluralism, abortion, pornography rights, etc...] and how did everything that i just put inside those brackets get lumped together with people who care about the environment, social welfare for the poorest, immigration rights, public schools, etc... things that Jesus would definitely have supported... People act as if it is obvious that an evangelical should be a Republican, whereas things that i think were the very beat of jesus' heart are found equally prevalently in both parties' platforms. Thanks for commenting
At 3:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
I like what you wrote above, Thor. It's so true!
What other words have lost their original, intended meaning? One comes to mind right off hand: tolerance. It's moved from meaning 'to put up with harmoniously' to 'embrace it all or else you're a bigot, pig-headed jerk who we won't tolerate'.
At 10:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
just wanted to say that I didn't like the harsh way I defined the new version of 'tolerance''s been several days, but it's bugging me. the definition has evolved, though, to be sure.
"things that i think were the very beat of jesus' heart are found equally prevalently in both parties' platforms"
hmmmmmm...I've been wondering how my voting practices will be changing in the next the last three years, so much has changed in the way I view things such as politics.
Perhaps that will be tested in November for me. Maybe I should pay closer attention to what's going on in my home state.
I come from a hyper-conservative state (Wyoming), and everyone thinks in that grid...not to mention the way American evangelicalism has its own grid that can just fan the flame of Wyoming's grid. It's been good for me to step out of that grid for a while, and realize that there are different ways of seeing things.
It's late...past my bedtime, and I'm rambling. Sorry.
At 11:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, Thor, here I am again...sick of me, yet?
Okay, I was reading a very interesting interview about the book Jesus Mean and Wild (, when this question and answer were asked, and it reminded me of what I was wrestling with earlier in my comments to you:
Why does our culture confuse patience with tolerance, and what are the dangers of doing so?
I tolerate another’s behavior or beliefs so that we can just get along with as little friction as possible. This is a necessary virtue in a democracy, but not very helpful for the Christian in the end, because it’s not about love.
Patience is about love, because it has a goal of another’s transformation. I will not tolerate bad manners from my child, but I will be patient with him while he learns respect for others. Sometimes I won’t discipline him if he is rude because I know he’s tired or cranky and I want to give him some space. But that patience will end at some point and I will expect him eventually to learn to treat others with courtesy.
At 12:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Bummer, dude. The website didn't fully copy...but you can go to the main site and find the interview there, if you're interested. :)
At 3:58 AM,
Thor said…
its been a while since ive gone back to review comments. thank you very much for your insights. you are very commited to writing, in general. i wish that i had the same verbal processing abilities!
i taught a class at LCC called "Language and Power". There are many words whose meanings have been emptied. A friend recently said she saw a banner in a country church in the US for the 4th of July which red, in Red White and Blue lettering "The Truth will set you free" illustrated with rockets.
No what that is doing in a church i have no idea, and i think represents the worst of the Bushian fusion of evangelicalism and nationalism. But look at those two words "truth" and "free" what did Jesus mean by those words, compared to what the nationalistic author of that banner had in mind?
At 11:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, I do have verbal processing skills, but I can get in trouble if not careful...thinking out loud is not the same thing as thinking before you speak. :)
Yeah, that sign would have bugged me...although I would say a few years ago, I wouldn't have even batted an eye when driving past it. Praise God for the way He continues to teach us the narrowness of our ways, eh?
You're right...truth and freedom. I think we Americans have an incorrect understanding of what exactly freedom is. We cling to and demand rights that we believe are ours because we're free, by golly. The connection with our hearts and heart change has been lost, I think, in both of these words.
BTW, you asked about adding me to your e-mail list. Please do. My addy is on my website.
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