Last night my friends Rasa Ieva Donatas and Vaidas came over to pray for Klaipeda and the youth of the city.
It was such an amazing time.... we prayed for two hours, and the time just flew by.... it hit me too than i can pray for two hours in Lithuanian and follow everything that is going in, and even pray in Lithuanian myself now. I'm so thankful for the investment i put in language learning early on.
Praying with those dear broliai ir seseri klaipedeciai for this place i realize how much my heart has put down roots here, and how sad i am to think about leaving- in fact even though i know i am leaving, i havent really thought about it yet. It 100% feels like i will coming back here in the fall.
Dieve palaimink musu Klaipeda, palaimink jaunima, kuris cia gyvena, palamink visus klaipedecius, ypac vaikinius, kad uzaugtu nauja genaracija krykscioniskuju lyderiu tame mieste. Issaugok visas baznycias, ir meldziausi kad bazynicios cia arciau dirbtu, viena su kitomis, kad pastatyti tavo karalyste tame tarpe.
god i dont want to run from this place just to pursue novelty, if you want me to return here, let me know how and when please
Last night my friends Rasa Ieva Donatas and Vaidas came over to pray for Klaipeda and the youth of the city.
It was such an amazing time.... we prayed for two hours, and the time just flew by.... it hit me too than i can pray for two hours in Lithuanian and follow everything that is going in, and even pray in Lithuanian myself now. I'm so thankful for the investment i put in language learning early on.
Praying with those dear broliai ir seseri klaipedeciai for this place i realize how much my heart has put down roots here, and how sad i am to think about leaving- in fact even though i know i am leaving, i havent really thought about it yet. It 100% feels like i will coming back here in the fall.
Dieve palaimink musu Klaipeda, palaimink jaunima, kuris cia gyvena, palamink visus klaipedecius, ypac vaikinius, kad uzaugtu nauja genaracija krykscioniskuju lyderiu tame mieste. Issaugok visas baznycias, ir meldziausi kad bazynicios cia arciau dirbtu, viena su kitomis, kad pastatyti tavo karalyste tame tarpe.
god i dont want to run from this place just to pursue novelty, if you want me to return here, let me know how and when please
At 1:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thor -
Why are you going to China?
At 3:23 PM,
Thor said…
the short answer- i feel led by God. The best analogy i can give is the israelites in the desert. They stayed in one place until the pillar of fire and cloud (symbolising God's presence and direction) moved onto the next place, and then the Israelites had to follow. I feel like the pillar has moved on. I must follow, it may move me back here, and i hope it does, but i will got back here the way God wants me to, and not the way that I want to get here.
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