Follow your heart.... not
At LCC where i was just teaching, there was a class for first year students called LIFE group. basically it was to practice English writing while writing about less formal topics. One them that i read over and over in my life group journals was "you just have to follow your heart, and then you'll be happy :) "
Reading this statement always brought a strong reaction- the kind you get when you see an overly sappy commercial, or hear a Miss America candidate say "I am going to bring about world peace, can't we all just get along?".... this statement is so thrown around in our culture that people don't realize it has absolutely no meaning whatsoever, nor any power to give any meaning to one life...
You see the heart is often our worst enemy. "Following your heart" most often means do whatever i want to do, regardless of the consequences to others or myself, and no reason to feel guilty- my heart made me do it. Jeremiah 17:9 says "The heart is deceiptful above all other things- who can trust it?". The heart, the metaphorical seat of our emotional passions and desires gets us into trouble more often than not. I find myself often engaged in a war against my heart, which more than any other part of my self (mind, body, spirit) seems determined to draw me away from Gd's life-giving plan for me, and his fullness of life.
When we follow our heart, pastors run away with their secretaries, people cheat on each other, people sleep with each other before they are committed, people buy huge things they don't need, people seek revenge, people hold grudges, people lash out, people become emotionally dependent or enmeshed, people kill steal and murder, people view themselves as better than others, people envy and judge.
Gd has given us the power to NOT follow our heart, which leads us down a dangerous road. He has given us a mind that warns us that our heart is unreliable, and a spirit which holds us back from making the dangerous leaps that the heart would demand from us.
And even happiness itself is ephemeral at best- happiness is conditional, a pure cocktail of chemicals, something that evaporates as soon as the conditions which induced those chemicals change. So many people seek happiness as an end. When truly happiness should be seen as the occasional side effect of joy. Give me X'n Joy anyday over happiness. Joy is something that is unconditional, that is experienced equally at a funeral as at a wedding, in prison as in freedom, joy can meet and incorporate sadness, grief, confusion, frustration, and come out on top. Joy is the unchanging hope that we have in a Gd who is beyond us, the Great Author of our Story, who has a plan to grow us and make us more like Him and will never abandon us.
I wan't to conclude with some sweet lyrics from my all-time hero, Don Chaffer of Waterdeep
At LCC where i was just teaching, there was a class for first year students called LIFE group. basically it was to practice English writing while writing about less formal topics. One them that i read over and over in my life group journals was "you just have to follow your heart, and then you'll be happy :) "
Reading this statement always brought a strong reaction- the kind you get when you see an overly sappy commercial, or hear a Miss America candidate say "I am going to bring about world peace, can't we all just get along?".... this statement is so thrown around in our culture that people don't realize it has absolutely no meaning whatsoever, nor any power to give any meaning to one life...
You see the heart is often our worst enemy. "Following your heart" most often means do whatever i want to do, regardless of the consequences to others or myself, and no reason to feel guilty- my heart made me do it. Jeremiah 17:9 says "The heart is deceiptful above all other things- who can trust it?". The heart, the metaphorical seat of our emotional passions and desires gets us into trouble more often than not. I find myself often engaged in a war against my heart, which more than any other part of my self (mind, body, spirit) seems determined to draw me away from Gd's life-giving plan for me, and his fullness of life.
When we follow our heart, pastors run away with their secretaries, people cheat on each other, people sleep with each other before they are committed, people buy huge things they don't need, people seek revenge, people hold grudges, people lash out, people become emotionally dependent or enmeshed, people kill steal and murder, people view themselves as better than others, people envy and judge.
Gd has given us the power to NOT follow our heart, which leads us down a dangerous road. He has given us a mind that warns us that our heart is unreliable, and a spirit which holds us back from making the dangerous leaps that the heart would demand from us.
And even happiness itself is ephemeral at best- happiness is conditional, a pure cocktail of chemicals, something that evaporates as soon as the conditions which induced those chemicals change. So many people seek happiness as an end. When truly happiness should be seen as the occasional side effect of joy. Give me X'n Joy anyday over happiness. Joy is something that is unconditional, that is experienced equally at a funeral as at a wedding, in prison as in freedom, joy can meet and incorporate sadness, grief, confusion, frustration, and come out on top. Joy is the unchanging hope that we have in a Gd who is beyond us, the Great Author of our Story, who has a plan to grow us and make us more like Him and will never abandon us.
I wan't to conclude with some sweet lyrics from my all-time hero, Don Chaffer of Waterdeep
I believe the heart's a theatre
And that the actors on its stage
Are playing dreams, but they're impostors
and the devil pays their wage...
I believe the passions of that drama
that we're certain is for real
is a diversion for our senses
while the director(Satan) comes to steal
Ever since i was a little kid i didn't want to run away
But it scared me half to death to think that I might have to stay
I've had a hundred scarecrow certainties
built a wooden drawbridge for my brain
But it all comes down, when i see your(Js') face against the windowpane
At 8:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Reminds me of the lyrics of Rich Mullins's song Maker of Noses:
I've been pondering today on what you wrote here. In principle, I totally agree with you. Hate the whole 'follow your heart' fad; I often have the same knee-jerk reaction.
But I just wanted to throw a few thoughts out there:
It seems here that you're making the heart the enemy (isn't the enemy the flesh?...perhaps when people use the silly 'follow your heart' statement, though, they are actually looking for an excuse to follow their flesh?).
What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart? To love each other deeply, from the heart? To guard it (not as a prisoner, but as a treasure), because from it flow the wellsprings of life? To pray with thanksgiving, supplication, and surrender, trusting that He will guard your heart?
...if the heart always leads us to bad, then how can we do the above things with it, too?
God's original design for our hearts was to reflect His heart, and praise Him that through His Son and by the power of His Spirit, we are able to every once in a while do that (hopefully more and more, as we continue to grow and step out in trust and faith). That design was corrupted (as you mentioned), but we were not left without hope.......pretty much Jesus makes it possible for us to love Him and others from the heart and to give that heart to Him, so He can guard it.
I don't know. What do you think?
At 6:38 AM,
Jeremy said…
I agree with everything said here. Christ doesn't ask us to follow our hearts. He asks us to follow him. But did you notice that before he tells the lame man to walk, Jesus tells the man that his sins are forgiven? And then before Jesus sends the man out the door, he tells him to pick up his bed. Christ came to forgive, and to enable us to be responsible creatures (response-able, or able to respond to Christ's call in our lives).
April, you're brilliant; "God's original design for our hearts was to reflect His heart." That speaks to the very core of our creaturehood. April, you're a good anthropologist and theologian. But April shows herself to be a human when she suggests that "following one's heart" is often a mask for "following one's flesh." Ne'er was a truer word spoke--only humans could be that terribly self-deceptive, but we see it happening every day, and I see it in my own life as well.
Casting all upon Christ, who is my only hope, Jeremy.
At 6:40 AM,
Jeremy said…
P.S. When I said that April shows herself to be human, I meant that only a human could be that insightful, because I don't think any other creature would understand that sort of deception. Like me, it appears April also struggles in this body of death . . .
At 10:28 AM,
Thor said…
Hmmm good points guys. I guess I can remember times when my heart has been my ally, and has been a fountain of love for the lost, a tender place ready to meditate on the death and resurrection of our lord, a fountain of blessing to others.... But in this season i feel like my heart is running away with itself and carrying me along for the ride. Great point April- to learn to tease apart what is the heart and what is the flesh... i need to pray about that one, and spend some time on it. Your posts here bless me greatly
At 3:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Like me, it appears April also struggles in this body of death . . ."
Don't we all? Gosh, when I read Romans 5-8 or 2 Corinthians 3-5 or Revelation heart so identifies and leaps out of my chest with the wish that I could be done with this earthly tent and in His presence, you know? Not that I want to die, but I think y'all understand.
"Your posts here bless me greatly."
I'm very glad to know that, Thor. Definitely don't want to be a nuisance. Praying for you. When do you take off for your new destination?
At 11:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello, way too many comments for me here...g o t t o c u t b a c k !
Just a shameless plug for you to go visit my blog, because I have posted pictures of my recent trip to Yakutsk...thought you'd be interested in checking out that culture, Thor.
At 12:14 AM,
Taskas said…
Thor, labas. Hm. too dazed and too hot to argue here.. a little sad you have use faith to justify love.. It is not one or the other. etc etc etc There would be no Christ without Heart. etc etc better to talk in person. Where are you know?
At 3:51 AM,
Thor said…
hey julija- using faith to justify love... i guess i need to hear a bit more about what you mean by that, or hear you flesh out your observations regarding that point in my post.
i am biding time in northern michigan, headed to east asia in a couple weeks, (at least i think so- barring unforeseen changes) going through a very weird season where much seems and feels on pause, and deeper things that are going on inside me, which get drowned out in seasons where everything is loud and rushing by, are being noticed. I'm learning about what it means that God is Faithful in new ways.
At 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Recently I was taught that the word translated "heart" in the good book is actually in a lot of cases "kidney or liver". Puts a new slant on all those "heart" verses. I guess what people are getting at with "heart" is more the emotions side of the soul (mind-will-emotions??). The soul is not evil. But like everything else it needs to come into submission. The Father wants our souls to prosper!! 3 John 2. That was a bit a revelation to me! prosperity is all of His purposes being fulfilled in us - including His purpose for our souls. I believe He is wanting to prosper our souls by bringing healing and wholeness to them. Submission of desires and emotions to Him allows him to flow even through our souls. We take on His emotions and desires. The things that flow through His soul flow through our souls. We begin to feel the emotions and workings of the "hearts" of those around us and He can move through us to encounter those hearts needing restoration. His soul flowing through my soul. I like it.
Remember Mary who said "my soul magnifies the Lord"? Her soul wasn't killed off or dead, but was "prospering" to such a degree that it magnified the Lord.
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